Typical Neapolitan cuisine is characterised by tasty and generous dishes. The main ingredient usually is meat, fish, milk and dairy products, however, you could also eat delicious vegan and vegetarian food in Naples.
There are many places you can recognise by the high-quality products and the authenticity – and creativity – of their dishes.
Following our article about where you should eat while in Naples, we would like to also recommend some vegan and vegetarian alternatives.
You will discover the city through a journey to the best vegan and vegetarian restaurants. This will help you understand a different point of view about Neapolitan culture and lifestyle.
Ethical, organic and eco-friendly Neapolitan food
In Naples, you can find numerous vegan and vegetarian restaurants, in different parts of the city. We selected the closest ones to our rooms, so you could easily have the chance to eat good food.
This is our list:
- ‘O Grin – etico & buono: a food court in the University area, located in Mezzocannone, in the middle of the historic centre. It is a 5 minutes walk from our hotel. It offers organic and plant-based dishes, the menu changes every day according to the availability of ingredients. You should try “pennette ciurille” and “patazucchine al forno”;
- Cavoli Nostri – veg e veggie: the first vegan and vegetarian restaurant where you could sit. It is located in Via Palepoli, a 30 minutes walk from our hotel. It offers organic ingredients, according to the seasonality of the food. The celebration of taste and the nutritional completeness represent the restaurant’s culinary philosophy. You should try “spaghetti integrali ai carciofi su crema di mandorle e olive di Gaeta” [whole wheat spaghetti with artichoke laid on almond butter and Gaeta olives] and “scaloppina di seitan e zucca al lime e pepe rosa” [seitan scaloppine and pumpkin with lime and pink pepper]. Do not miss the vegan Sfogliatella, a real treat;
- Amico Bio – Un Sorriso Integrale: it is located in Via S. Pietro a Maiella, a 10 minutes walk from our hotel. It is a cosy place which promotes Bioregionalism and natural food. The menu changes everyday, in order to ensure fresh products. You should try the “piatto unico”: it includes a soup, risotto and side dishes;
- Officina Vegana: in Via Sedile di Porto, a 2 minutes walk from our hotel. It is a tiny vegan restaurant where alternative cooking techniques enhance the nutritional properties of self-produced and selected ingredients. You should try “gnocchi con pesto di rucola mandorle e zucca” [gnocchi with pesto of arugula, almonds and pumpkin] and “burger di tofu artigianali” [handmade tofu burgers];
- Sbuccia e Bevi Vegan House: in Via Duomo, a 10 minutes walk. It is a vegan restaurant where you can eat and drink fruit. They also offer a diverse menu, from vegan street food to modified traditional dishes. You should try “Farifrittata” made of lupin flour, grape tomatoes and avocado. Also sweets are delicious, such as Vegan Bounty or Vegan Babà;
- Vitto Pitagorico: it is located near Museo Archeologico Nazionale. It is specialised in vegan, vegetarian and raw-food diet dishes. On the menu, you would find tasty dishes and a revised vegan pizza;
- Isabella De Cham: you can find this pizzeria in Via Arena della Sanità. It is the kingdom of “pizza fritta”, also vegan. On the menu, you would find different versions of vegan pizza and vegan frittatina, the vegan croquette, melted vegan cheese, Vegrana, and plant-based meat, as stuffing. You should try “Pizza Finocchio”, a fried pizza garnished with fennel slices and scented dried orange, walnuts and dried tomatoes, and a sprinkle of paprika.
As you might have understood, in Naples, art, culture and tradition come together also when talking about food, in the vegan and vegetarian cuisine: it shows you the most savoury side of the city.
A much ethical nutrition does not turn down flavours and Neapolitan dishes, it gives you the chance to taste them from a different perspective.

Insegnante di lingua e letteratura inglese per la scuola secondaria, traduttrice e correttrice di bozze. Coltivo con devozione e premura l’interesse per la cultura giapponese, e nutro tutte le mie altre creature con la stessa cura: libri, film, musica. Viaggio tanto, ma resto figlia di Partenope.